Monday, December 20, 2010

Gratitude, the highest of virtues

This time of year is when we all hope to find families safe as they travel many distances to get together and to enjoy one of the most significant events in the world of Christianity. It is also an eventful season for other religions as well.

However, there are those that may not have a family to go to, or even enjoy a Holiday meal together with anyone. I know the feeling for I have spent many Christmases without my children, as they travel to be together with their mom at her house, or on a cruise in the Caribbean.

It is still left for me to find joy in my life, and I do that by exercising myself to total fatigue. Mountain biking and jogging are my passion, but when I add prayer time, I find peace in my life. I didn't plan to be alone ever, but life takes many turns, and we make the most of it.

I have just recently submitted two articles for publication, one on miracles and the other on finding the joy of living. As I wrote them, I always try to aim toward the reader who needs some form of guideline and direction in their lives. The one on miracles is already out to the world.

People find me by researching on a subject, e.g. holy water. And they will either ask me for the water or for me to pray for them. That's their gift to me, to allow me to pray for them, or to send a small vial of holy water to them.

I enjoy incredibly good health, for my age anyway, but I invest in it by exercising daily, eating properly. And I don't forget to thank God for His blessings. Would it help you for me to say that GRATITUDE is the key element here?

I wish people would understand more that all of our blessings are a direct result of God's bountiful generosity. That being our source, then perhaps during this beautiful season you will find it in your heart to give to the poor who you see out on the streets.

Many happy wishes for a Wonderful Holiday Season! And should you be going through a tough moment at this time, let me pray for you by contacting me through my email address. I only ask for the reason, and that you keep me posted on the progress.

Tony McCleary

Friday, October 29, 2010

The healing and amazing curing power of holy water!

I have written various articles on on the subject of holy water. I am amazed at myself to find that every time that I use it, it works. How does it work?

I have sinuses that react to the change of seasons, and so do many other people. However, I take care of them with a dab of holy water on my forehead and on my nose. Every time that I do apply the holy water, within seconds to a minute I get relief. I can't explain the why, but it works for me.

Let me get more specific with another excellent example. I suffer from inflammation of the shoulders. This is very painful, and I am guilty of causing the pain. I mountain bike, jog and pump weights throughout the week. I get severe pain when I jog, and when I go to sleep. I have a bottle of holy water near my bed, and when my shoulders begin to throb with pain, I just rub holy water on them, and in less than a minute the pain is gone!

The pastor at the Catholic Church where I attend weekly Mass tells me that it works for me only because I have faith in it. And he doesn't? I am going to answer that question: No, he doesn't! And he is not alone. People laugh about it, and I just go on using it very successfully.

Why does holy water work with me every single time? I guess because I simply don't question it! I started applying it on me due to my biking injuries since 2006, and I have saved thousand of Dollars on doctor and surgery bills. I should have had my right-hand thumb operated by a specialist because it was shown on x-rays to be out of place. I used holy water to treat it, and it worked magnificently! I am typing away right now, with no pain at all, and the thumb worked its way back to 95% of its original capacity.

If you would like for me to send you a small vial of holy water, just ask. I do it as a courtesy, and I will send it anywhere in the world. I just need to know what you will be using it for. That's it!

God bless, and keep your faith,

Tony McCleary

Saturday, October 9, 2010

How to pray for your life, and that of your family

Just recently a father was present at a court house to listen to proceedings of a murder case—that of his own family. Early this year, his wife was raped, his two teenage daughters were assaulted and the entire family left to die. The house was set on fire, and the mother and their two daughters perished in the fire. Two criminals were caught and prosecuted. At the hearings, they were going over as to which of the two criminals set the house on fire. The father of the family was severely beat up with a bat at the time of the assault.

This happened in a very affluent neighborhood. The father is a medical doctor. How terribly sad it must be to face the criminals in court, and realize that you are all that's left. The criminals followed the mother from a shopping center to her house.

Here's my question: "What can we do to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the common criminals that lurk the country?"

The one thing that I emphasize with my daughter, who is 29 years-old, is to keep an eye open whenever she walks out of any establishment, may it be a shopping center, her office, the gym, etc. Once she's in her car, you need to keep an eye to see if anyone follows you out of the parking lot. These are simple precautions that with practice you can get very good at detecting problems. If it's your life, and we only get once chance to live, then please take heed to my advise.

In addition to taking the proper precautions as a daily habit, pray for yourself and for your family. Ask God to protect you and those you love. Thank Him every day for doing so, and do one more thing: sprinkle holy water in your home and on your children.

If they are no longer children, and they might not live with you, then put holy water on their photos. Please do this every day, and if you're a Christian make the cross with your finger over their faces. This is not superstition, but a humble way to express your blessings and protection to your family.

Holy water is available at any Catholic Church, and should you not want to get it there, then ask me to send you a small vial of holy water, and I shall be happy to send it to you with my blessings.

Please follow my other articles posted on Ezine Articles on this blog. My latest article is on faith, and you may find it enlightening and instructional.

God bless, and stay in touch if you wish through my email below. Please share this blog and email with friends, and I will be grateful to you.

Tony McCleary

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Power of Prayer

Prayer is our connection with God. It is the direct link to the powers of God. We can't see Him, we can't hear Him, but He is there listening to our prayers. The reason I know this is that over the years I have learned to let go and let God. I learned also not to demand, but release my prayers to Him and wait patiently for an answer, if an answer is required.

Prayers come in many forms. You have prayers of petition; prayers of gratitude; and prayers of meditation, as examples. Prayers of petition are those that you make to request something of God. It could be for finding a job, passing an exam, or someone is very ill in your family.

I started the habit many years ago of saying the "Our Father" and the "Hail Mary" five times a day each. Just to thank God and be closer to Him, I say these every day. When I need to request something important, I will kneel down, and ask in total seriousness what I need. The purpose of these prayers are for the protection of my children, my elder sister who is bed-ridden, and my entire family. I want them to be safe and healthy.

If someone should ask me to make a special prayer for them, then I take these requests to my church and I make my petitions. Additionally, I follow my daily routine of saying the five Our Fathers, and Hail Mary's, and I am done. I walk away in peace, and let God take over my life.

Prayers are as powerful as your faith is strong. So, if you feel that somehow your faith is not quite there, then practice praying and requesting, and experience will be your best route. God will take you by the hand until you feel His presence. Once you do reach that point, where the presence of God is overwhelming, then try your hardest not to lose that connection which is precious. Stay with God for the rest of your life, and don't lose faith in Him.

God bless, and please go over Ezine Articles on this page, and look up my latest article titled, "Is God Watching Over Us?" I feel that you will get some important information which should be of benefit to you.

Tony McCleary

Monday, August 23, 2010

Is God watching over us?

This question has been asked by mankind for as long as there has been a belief in God. Our Christian upbringing is based on belief in one God, and that tradition follows the Jewish teachings. We can say with much certainty that God does exist.

Now, the question of the day is whether He truly watches over us. I want to believe that He does, and therefore my daily prayers are mostly simple requests asking Him to watch over my kids. I am forever asking Him to protect me when I bike ride on the road for many miles, or when I mountain bike on very complicated and risky dirt trails.

Do I truly believe that He listens to me? Yes, I do without a doubt! Many times I know that He protected me from getting run over on the road by drivers who either didn't see me, or they purposely tried to run over me. All of a sudden I felt danger, and I took evasive action in many of these dangerous incidents.

Does God choose who to protect and who to let go on their destiny? I don't have the answer to that question. I don't know how God works, and therefore all that I can do is ask Him. If He should want to let me go my way, then I suppose that I would have already been hurt or killed by a car or a truck on the road. I know of two friends who were run over by vehicles while they were riding their bikes on the road (at different times). For many months both parties remained in bed unable to move at all. They are now able to work, but they have carried with them permanent injuries.

I have come to the conclusion over many years of wondering and pondering, that God does indeed watch over us, but His actual intervention in saving a life or sparing someone serious injury is at His discretion. I know for a fact that I have been spared more than once from death, or serious injury. However, here's my advise on that, I pray every single day for His protection.

Perhaps that's the reason for my success in living my life up to now in very good health, and my being super active in sports and exercise. Once you get to be over the age of 60 it gets difficult to tackle the advance mountain bike trails; and I do that twice a week. I also road bike three times per week, and jog twice a week.

Does God watch over us? I feel that He does, and all that He asks is that you talk with Him. Respect God and make friends with Him. You won't be denied His love for you.

God bless, and should you need a special prayer, please let me know by emailing me your request. I also make available holy water as a courtesy. Please read my articles on holy water and get familiar with this incredible element.

Tony McCleary

Friday, July 30, 2010

Make friends with God

God for some reason is a distant object for many people. I feel that the reason is that people spend their time focusing on their jobs, careers, daily life, and how to have fun. In other words, either surviving the daily trials of living; or simply enjoying life to the maximum. God then has no room at all in their lives.

I go to Mass twice a week, and especially on Sundays I observe how people react to the sermon. Many appear to go on "brain pause," meaning, they hold the brain from listening to anything the priest is saying until the sermon is over. Others just stare into space, or other parts of the church.

Most priest at my church give a good sermon, and the Pastor is a lively individual with plenty of anecdotes thrown in for entertainment. It isn't all dry and tried material that he speaks of. Here's my point, I don't go to church to sleep, but to listen and to learn. Many of my articles that I write on Ezine Articles are inspired from the sermons that I listen to.

My objective is to learn, and just last week the priest at the Spanish Mass mentioned something very interesting. He said that while in the Seminary to become a priest he read on St. Gregory from Nyssa. He was a Greek saint who said "Get to become friends with God." I thought about those words since then, and I felt that I should bring it up on my blog.

Perhaps we place God too far in the far distant space in the Universe, and we forget that He is here with us now. Jesus was very explicit about it, while he walked this Earth. God is with us, but maybe we should make an effort to make friends with Him.

I thought it was a great idea by St. Gregory, and it's just what many of us need to do. I walked away that day from Mass thinking about making friends with God, and I will admit that I am making that effort right now as I write these notes.

God bless, and should you need for me to pray for you, please don't hesitate. I will also make available for you a vial of holy water. Please contact me on my email below, and do read my articles on Ezine Articles on this page, especially the latest one on "How to Handle Bad Situations and Turn Your Life Around."

Tony McCleary

Friday, July 16, 2010

Do you feel that a curse follows you?

My oldest sister is 82 years old and has been bed-ridden for the last three years. She has confided in another sister of mine that she feels that she's cursed. Two of her sons are buried near each other, both victims of drug abuse. One died at the age of 21 and the other at 52.

Who do you think she blames for the curse? God, of course! She is not alone. Many people point directly to God for all of their troubles. What most people don't understand or don't wish to is to accept full responsibility for their trials and tribulations caused mostly by decisions made at one time or another.

Just go back to Job in the Bible and read the part where he says, "That which I feared the most came to pass." People suffer from "imaginary curses" not because they are cursed, but because they have fears—fears of pending disasters. And the sad thing about this very negative feeling is that it feeds on itself constantly until it manifests itself, or you stop it.

First of all let me clarify for you, "No one is cursed by God." God is the God of love. We curse ourselves by allowing our fears to take control of us. We curse ourselves by associating with evil and mean people. Bad things come to us by the way that we think and perceive things. In other words we either attract to us bad things, just as well as we can bring to our lives good things. It's truly our choice.

You ask, "Then what can I do to avoid this "perceived curse that seems to follow me"?

You pray, but make your prayers of gratitude! Thank God for all that he has done for you, and not what you're going through. The minute that you pray in gratitude, that which was a "curse" will no longer exist. It will stop bothering you, following you and making your life miserable.

Prayers of gratitude bring blessedness, rest, peace of mind, and clear mindedness to the supplicant. I believe that this will bring you a better life than to live in torture and torment.

God bless you, and should you wish for me to pray for your needs, or require a small vial of holy water, I will send it to you anywhere in the world.

Tony McCleary

Monday, July 12, 2010

Dress properly for religious services

I attend Mass twice a week at my Catholic church in Coral Springs, Florida. On Thursday mornings I open the church at 6 am and get the Chapel ready for the 7 am mass. I have done this for years. What I see here is people wearing their sleeping outfits from the night before. One lady has worn her pajamas for years, covered with a coat.

On Sunday mornings I attend the 11:30 mass. On Sunday, many people that attend mass in the main church come in wearing their "bar-b-que outfits." That is, colorful sweat pants,t-shirts, beach outfits, Bermuda shorts. And during the most sacred parts of the mass, many get up to go to the restroom. Out of some 1,100 people or so that do attend each mass, I always see the same people do exactly the same routine: come in late to mass; wear shoddy outfits;get up to go to the restroom every time at exactly the moment that the priest offers the host and the wine to be blessed by God.

The Catholic church is lenient to say the least when it comes to dress code. Most people do dress properly, but there shouldn't be any exception when it comes to worshiping God. People should take the time to shower or bathe, and put something proper on for the services. This should apply to any religious service in the world.

I have attended mass in very poor countries in the world, and I never saw anyone ill-dressed for the occasion. Unfortunately, it is mostly in America that I have observed such disrespect. The sad thing is that it is not for lack of clean or proper clothing, but mostly an attitude issue.

Life is beautiful as is if we respect it and appreciate it. Religion for many people, including myself, is a gift of enormous value. I pray for people that ask me, and I offer many prayers to the Virgin Mary for her intercession. I don't play with my religion, and I take very seriously my requests to God, Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary.

Allow me to do the same for you!

God bless,


Monday, May 24, 2010

The need to attend religious services

People attend religious services mostly from a desire to stay close to God. There's no obligation on any one's part to go to services. It is done by many people, including me, to hear the scriptures, the sermon and to receive communion. It is also a time to donate to the church so that it can pay the costs of maintenance. Nothing is free, and churches must pay for electricity, water and staff.

Other people go to satisfy a spiritual obligation, and others simply follow a tradition probably instilled by their parents. Either way, religious services have a benefit beyond just sitting in a pew or kneeling in some church, synagogue or mosque somewhere in the world.

I have attended Catholic Churches in countries as far from the U.S. as Oman and Pakistan in the Middle East; Benin in West Africa; and Korea and Indonesia in the Far East. I never had any qualms about attending Mass on Sundays wherever I lived or traveled to on working assignments.

What did attending Mass all of these years do for me? It has kept me aware of my obligation to be grateful to God for all that He has done for me, my children, including my brothers and sisters. Going to Mass has been my way to thank God, and to contribute with treasure to every church that I have ever attended.

Following up with your religion of birth, or perhaps your new religion—if you happen to be a convert—is done in order to stay closer to God. This practice is not a weakness. but a sign of faith, courage and strength of character. It is a moment away from your daily environment to pray to God, and to thank Him for all that He does for you every single day.

Attending religious services together as a family has been proven to be a great way to hold the unity of the family. If you cannot convince your spouse, or companion, and even your children to go with you, don't hesitate to go by yourself. Eventually your family will come around sometime later in their lives.

One word of advice: try not to experiment with various religions that promote concepts which might verge on being a cult. Whatever it is that you join, do your homework first before you jump in head and feet.

If you would like someone to pray for you, or send you a vial of holy water, go ahead and touch base with me on my email. Under Ezine Articles included on this blog, you may want to read up on articles regarding holy water which are posted for your benefit.

God bless,

Tony McCleary

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How much is life worth, especially if it is your son or your daughter's?

This week a student athlete at the University of Virginia was savagely beaten to death by her boyfriend, and her fellow student no less. The lawyer for the "boyfriend" made a statement that her death wasn't intended. The "boyfriend" stated to the police that he broke down the girl's dormitory door and attacked her mercilessly until she was probably unconscious. I believe that it was fully intended.

In my article that I just recently published in Ezine Articles, I titled it "Holy Water—A Powerful and Critical Element for the World Today." The student girl that died from the hits that she received to her head by her "boyfriend" were fatal. For all practical purposes I can certainly categorize this man as a "very harmful spirited individual." Any man that hurts a child or a female is a harmful and evil spirit.

The student girl had no one to protect her against the attacker. She met her death violently, and was left alone without anyone able to call for help.

I stated in my article that 'death has no favorites.' As a parent, or perhaps you are a single person, and you are exposed to some risk, use holy water to keep sicknesses and harmful spirits away from you. I am a parent of three adult children, and I especially recommend my daughter to use holy water on herself. My boys are also sprinkled with holy water, but since they live away I use the water on their photo.

I suggest that you read my article on Ezine Articles found on this page, and after you do, ask me to send you a courtesy bottle of holy water and I will do so. Use it on yourself and your children, and give them some sense of protection if you simply cannot be with them to protect them yourself.

You are welcome to share my email and my blog for prayer, articles, and holy water.

Tony McCleary

Monday, April 26, 2010

Holy Water—A gift of incalculable value

I have promoted holy water, mainly for healing injuries and curing constant pain in the last couple of years. I have written various articles on this subject, and my last article goes a bit deeper on the merits of this earthly element.

I wrote various drafts before I finally came to a final version. It normally takes me a few days to write an article and get it approved by the Ezine Articles editors. I was having an unusually difficult time getting to the point of my own article. When I was totally satisfied that I had done all that I could do, I hit the submit button. The following day my article was approved. I have read it a few times since then, and when I get a "feel good" sensation, I am happy!

Let me share with you some thoughts. I wanted to give people a vehicle to get closer to God. Most people that I know in my life, including my own adult children, are non-church going people. I have a close friend who is an avid atheist, and all religions to him are a fake. The irony is that his business life is in shambles.

If people don't have a need for God, that is their business; and perhaps that is one major reason that people don't want to get closer to God because they feel that they can handle life pretty well on their own. So in general, prayer is out of the question. I felt that if people can get a hold of holy water and anoint themselves with it, maybe it will fill them with grace and blessings from God.

If you are one of those persons on the borderline about God, religion, prayer, and how you wish to go forward with your life, please read my article posted on my blog under Ezine Articles. I have titled it, "Holy Water - A Powerful and Critical Element for the World Today." I believe that you will find some interesting insights and guidelines that could be of help to you. That is my sincere wish.

God bless,

Tony McCleary

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Religion, Prayer and Exercise - The need and the desire to do all three

The need to have a religion in your life is important in that it helps to get closer to God. If that is what you desire. Prayer is a form of formally communicating with your maker, and physical exercise is required to keep you healthy for a long time.

I will even simplify it for you. Religion is a way of following a belief, a deity perhaps, a philosophy or a way of living your life. I have followed christianity since I was born, and have remained a devout christian my entire life. What I have learned in all of my years is that any religion that you may want to follow is fine, but make sure that it leads you to God and no one else.

I was at mass last Sunday, and the priest saying the mass, who is also a retired Bishop, said that death is "unpredictable" and Judgement Day is "inevitable." Here's my point, if I am going to die unexpectedly due to uncontrollabe elements, I don't have any issues with that thought. All of humanity is subject to the same rules of nature.

Now we have Judgment Day, and the bishop says it is inevitable, meaning, we are subject to face God and respond to Him.Some may not believe of this particular day coming up someday, but I do want to believe that I will see the face of God sometime in eternity.

Praying is a way to come closer to God in good terms, of course, and to ask Him to provide protection for my children whom are all adults. And exercising the body is of extreme importance also. As we stay healthy, our bodies function better and so do our minds. Being sick or ill for lack of exercise is our fault and no one else's.

So for this week, I recommend that you practice your religion, pray for your petitions, and for the safety and protection of your loved ones. If exercise is not in your weekly agenda, make it so. Exercising your body is healthy, and denial is damaging. Walking, biking, jogging, and other physical sports are all good for the body and mind.

Tony McCleary

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Art of Living Your Life to the Fullest

Wherever you are right now in your life, it's the best time ever! If it is not, it's because of something that's pending in your life. It might be just a stop over on your journey,a hitch, let's say, but life will go on for you. In fact, nothing stops for us.

We live our lives like a movie which never stops until the movie ends. We just don't know when it will end, and I don't believe we need to or want to know. That's why it said that "death is unpredictable" and I prefer to leave at that. It give me the opportunity to live my life on an ongoing basis like a business.

What makes us happy? That's something that we all need to find while we enjoy our journey through life. I find happiness in just waking up, getting a cup of coffee and writing my pages on blogs, or my articles on There were many years in my life of uncertainties and marital problems until divorce finally arrived. Thereafter, life was simply made easier when we no longer lived together.

Being Catholic, I didn't see divorce as something to be proud of. But when two people cannot live together any longer, divorce is inevitable. Life went on better for both of us, and even the children were able to relax and get on with their lives as well.

I have found over the years, and it is something that younger people should try to understand early in their lives, we choose how we plan on living life to the fullest. We are the authors of our life, meaning, we can make it one "happy movie" every single day of our lives. At least we can try, and I have found over my lifetime that it works to start off on a "good foot" meaning, start the day on a happy note.

Being grateful for what we have is a great way to start the day, and looking forward for more out of life is the thing to do. Living life to the fullest is mental as well as physical. Good health comes from good food and exercise, and peace of mind comes from love of everything that surrounds you.

Should you be going through a difficult period, and you would like for me to pray for you, please let me know and I will include you in my prayer vigil. You may also want to read my various articles on Ezine found on this page regarding prayer, holy water, and other interesting subjects.

Tony McCleary

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Holy Water - Does it really work to heal injuries and to cure pain?

In my last article on Ezine Articles which I titled "Holy Water - A Proven Method to Heal Injuries and Cure Pain" I mentioned various instances of successful results. I also wrote to explain the suggested methods for applying the blessed water on yourself. You may find this article by going to it directly on the right side of this post and scroll down.

My objective is to help people understand that there is an element available to them that can replace pain killers, and take away habit-forming sleeping pills. This element is holy water, and it is available to you simply by acquiring it at a Catholic Church in your city. If you are shy, or you're not Catholic, but still you want to try out holy water, I will get a small vial of it for you and mail it to you.

It will be a courtesy of mine, and all that I am asking from you is your blessings and your prompt healing.

Holy Water is ceremoniously used to ward off evil, disease, and to give protection. Many families have children in school living with them at home or away from home. I have mentioned many times that blessing your children on a daily basis should be implemented. You may do it through prayer by asking God to protect them, and additionally by placing holy water on their foreheads or on their photos.

I do both every single day. I pray for my children, and also for people around the world that ask me to say a prayer for them. Some of these people have a particular need, others just wish for me to pray for them. On my children and other family members, I place holy water on their photos and make the sign of the cross over their face. I either do it on my laptop screen photos, or photos which are covered in glass or with plastic.

If I were to do a survey in the U.S.A. alone, I would probably find that a majority of the people do not employ prayers to ask for their daily needs; any more than to use holy water for healing and curing pain. I have found over the years that the combination of the two is a very powerful force indeed.

I look at MSN News for updates around the world, and just two single incidents of major proportions such as the Haiti or Chile earthquakes wake me up to the fact that we need to pray for our lives and that of others every day. Then, you have a 'crazed professor' in Alabama kill three of her colleagues in cold blood because she didn't get tenure. In Southern California a girl is recently found a few days later death by violent assault, while she was out jogging in a relatively safe neighborhood.

Who protects our lives and that of our loved ones? It is God! There is no one else out there in the universe able to do so. Praying to Him is the thing to do every single day. And my suggestion that holy water be placed on the foreheads of your children living with you, or on their photos if they live away, will be your way of offering them protection from evil and disease.

I will make the holy water available to you at my courtesy and expense simply by asking me to send you a small vial through the mail. Everyone that has asked me has received, and you will not be an exception to my personal offer. All that I ask of you is that you employ the blessed water as recommended in my article, and in return just say a prayer for me. Fair enough?

Tony McCleary

Friday, February 19, 2010

Religion, why it is important as a major part of your life

As you mature in life you will find that religion is something that you will seek more of it on a regular basis. Younger people when they move on with their lives, especially students attending university, they tend to leave religion on the side. I know that I did, and for years afterwards when I went to work in various locations around the world.

I still believed strongly in God and Jesus, but I was lazy about attending Mass. When I got married at the age of 29, I got back to Mass, at least once a week.

My children where raised Catholic, and they don't even bother to attend Catholic Mass, at least once a week. They do, but once a year when they're home for Christmas, and only because I make sure that we attend Mass together. A year before my divorce and for three more years, I attended Mass every single day of the week.

Now I go twice a week, and I find it sufficient for my needs. However, I still pray once a day for people that ask me to pray for them. Just as important are prayers for my adult children: two live out of town and one lives with me for now, while attending university for further education.

You read the news and you will find someone taking it upon themselves to kill people at random because of some personal issue. If hatred is the motive, religion is not the cause. Most legitimate religions of the world preach love and respect for mankind. Since the Ten Commandments were presented, and we are talking close to 3,000 years ago, it clearly stated, "Thou shall not kill."

Religion's main purpose (and I am truly giving a condensed version) is to read about it, live it, and to understand God's teachings. This is done through the writings of the leaders of that religion over thousands of years. The desired results are a lifetime of right behavior in the affairs of man. Love for God is the main objective of most religions that believe in God.

Praying is the desired method to reach God; and I have mentioned many times in my postings that prayer is also a super way to ask God for protection against disease, violence and hatred. Praying to God to protect us, our family members and friends is accepting that God does exist and has the power to keep us safe.

Considering the incredibly high unemployment rate in the U.S., asking God to help you find a good job is your best course. If you are happily employed, ask God to help you to keep your job, and thank Him.

If you can spend one hour a week focusing on God alone, that's fine. Whether you do it at home or at a church, temple or mosque, you will have gotten closer to God. I find that attending Mass (in my case twice a week) helps me to focus more on God, and it works for me. And during the week, I say my prayers daily.

My point is that if we can work for 40 to 80 hours per week (for some people) we can certainly spend one hour a week listening to the word of God or reading about Him. If God came first in your life, you simply can't help learning from him to love, lose your fears, and live a happier life.

Tony McCleary

Sunday, February 7, 2010

When your children are away in school or the military, pray more

When the children are away in school or the military, should we pray more than usual?

Yes, and you probably already do that! But I am going to add that you place holy water on their photos. By doing so you are in a way requesting God to keep them away from evil and disease, and to provide them with protection.

I see all of these soldiers dying in Afghanistan, and then you have the Haiti earthquake where American citizens lost their lives, besides the thousands of Haitians that will no longer be able to walk this earth.

A few days ago, I read about this female student at Virginia Tech whose remains were found abandoned in a farm field after months of her disappearance. Apparently she was picked up by someone during a concert, and she never got home again.

Just yesterday, I found out that a nephew of mine who was 52 years-old was found death at a Walgreen Pharmacy parking lot. He had been in and out of jail for almost his entire life after he finished high school. He was found wrapped in a blanket totally abandoned and just two blocks away from his mother's house, my oldest sister. He was homeless for he could not live with his mother because of his abusive nature.

What is the relationship of these two lives, totally apart in social status, age, education, and lifestyles?

At one time they were babies, innocent and smiling at the world. Then one day death came upon them prematurely regardless of position in life. This is the only common factor between these two lives, and with all of us. Some day, we must all go, but we want to go in peace and not violently.

So we pray for our children that God protects them and gives them a safe journey through life. I insist and hope that people will take my advice and place holy water on the photos of their children, especially when they are not living with you on a regular basis.

Please go to my latest article on Ezine Articles on this page, and read my article titled "Holy Water - A Proven Method to Heal Injuries and Cure Pain." It will give you some ideas on how to use this miraculous water for protection of your children.

Should you need a prayer for someone that is ill in you family, please don't hesitate to ask me, and I will include you in my daily prayers.

God bless,
Tony McCleary

Thursday, January 28, 2010

When praying to God, be specific with your petitions

It is difficult enough to learn how to pray to God, but let's start by being specific in your petitions, also called requests.

Prayers come from expressions of gratitude to urgent requests for help, may it be financial, to find a job, an illness, or a life or death situation. I have prayed for all the items that I mentioned. To my amazing surprise I got answers to just about everything. I mean, everything that was important, that is!

What I have found in all of my years of praying is that begging God to give you what you want will simply not work. What does work for me is to lay my request at his doorstep and wait for answers. How many times have you and I been reminded that faith answers all prayers?

"According to your faith be it unto you." The blind have received sight; the sick have recovered; the lonely have been succored; the desperate have been helped, etc. I can go on with many instances in my life where I could have lost my life in situations totally out of my control. And yet I did something to correct a bad situation, or someone in the form of a human being came to my rescue. I never felt that I was alone while I was in distress and in need of help.

I truly believe that if we keep our minds on God on a regular basis, life somehow gets easier for all of us. One recent example was the earthquake in Haiti of January 12, 2010. I was supposed to go to Haiti and take care of business for a friend of mine. We talked about it for an entire week just before the earthquake. I could have easily encouraged my friend, who owns a cargo ship and has it docked 30 miles west of Port-au-Prince, to buy an air ticket for me.

I was in Haiti last December, and I knew that unless you rent a car and drive yourself, the local transportation was not adequate. We kept talking for almost a week as to how I was to get to the port city of Miragoane. He was going to ask a friend of his that lives in Haiti to take me.

The following week the earthquake hit, and I could have been history today.

To say prayers of happiness, joy, gratitude, blessedness, health for my family and friends, and for protection is my daily mission. You may call it a chore, but I prefer to thank God for all that he does for me and my family, than to keep asking him for everything.

God knows what we need before we even ask him. Let him do his job!

If you should have someone in your family who is ill and needs a prayer or holy water, please ask and I will send you a small vial with it. It is my pleasure to do so, and it is my courtesy.

Tony McCleary

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Haiti—a proud nation and a beautiful people

I was in Haiti, in the city of Port-au-Prince during the middle of December 2009. I spent an entire week driving between the capital and the port city of Miragoane, about 2 hours distance by car. Every night my boss and I would return to the capital city, and we stayed in one of the best hotels there called the Karibe.

I wrote an article this week which I published on Ezine Articles regarding Haiti. My goal was to present an objective assessment of the locations where I visited during my stay, and to describe the incredible level of poverty before the disaster.

Today, a good portion of both cities has been destroyed by the earthquake of January 12, 2010. How many people that I met during my stay are alive today? I want them all to have survived, but I doubt it very much!

Over the months I have posted many pages with my thoughts on prayer and holy water. I have mentioned before that we are subject to the capricious behavior of nature. Knowing the natural laws and how they can affect us, we take precautions. In California, construction laws determine the way that houses and buildings must be built in order to conform. It is paramount that all structures be able to sustain the effects of a strong earthquake and the post-tremors.

In Florida, most structures are built of concrete blocks to protect the structure and the residents from hurricanes. In Haiti no such precautions exist. I saw many shanty town houses built of concrete blocks, metal sheets and cardboard. None of these structures could sustain any movement of the earth. Perhaps the Karibe Hotel did hold up, because it was a new structure, and which apparently survived the earthquake.

Haiti was extremely poor before the earthquake. It is now worse than ever, and it will get worst as time passes. People outside Haiti must come to understand that this country has no chance to stand by itself. It required massive amounts of aid before the disaster, and it will require more help than ever now that it has been grounded to its knees.

Not even the Archbishop of Haiti survived the tragic event. Is there a lesson to all of this that I just don't understand? Many of the churches in Port-au-Prince are not even standing any longer.

You watch the news and you see the dead bodies of humans who just a week ago were alive, and moving about the city going somewhere. Now those same bodies are being dumped in mass graves, and others are being piled and burned in order to prevent massive decease from occurring. How much is a human being worth in Haiti? If you are dead, I guess you're worth nothing!

How sad that a beautiful people like the Haitians cannot live or die in dignity. Was anybody aware of the extreme poverty that these people lived under before the earthquake? Did anybody foresee the dangers that the many tectonic faults (massive plates moving in different directions) on the island could someday unleash a terrible and inevitable disaster?

Let us pray for the Haitians who have passed on, and those that must bear the loss of members of their family, but who will continue to live hopefully under a better and a healthier environment.

Tony McCleary

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Prayers and holy water for a cancer patient—Will it work?

On Monday, January 11th, a patient which I have just become aware of through a friend of mine will be going in for chemo and radiation treatments. The patient is 60 years-old. She is afraid and uncertain of the outcome, and has asked many of her friends to pray for her.

I asked only one question of my friend over coffee at a Starbucks. I asked how it is that this lady contracted cancer? My friend told me that her friend was a heavy smoker for many years.

You have a situation here which was caused by smoking. It is in fact in past tense. The patient used to smoke a lot, but the damage is done. The only alternative now is to submit to the harsh treatments starting on Monday of next week.

Will prayer correct a wrong that was done to the body and by her own willing hand? An addiction to alcohol, illegal drugs, smoking and many other harmful substances can and will bring fatal results. But many of her friends, including me who has no relation to her— other than to have been asked by my friend to pray for her—will do everything possible to bring relief to this patient.

I will also provide holy water from my church to be placed on her neck and chest where the cancer is highly concentrated. Does the patient have to believe that prayers and holy water will work for her? Not at all! It is her friends, including me, that need to believe in the power of prayers and holy water to help her through the ordeal.

Should you have a friend or a relative who needs prayers and holy water, I will be happy to pray for them. Additionally, I will send to you a small vial of holy water from the church where I attend Mass. The holy water is a courtesy of mine, and you just need to place it over the injured area of the person, and just a small amount every day is all that is required.

You might want to read some of my articles which I have published in Ezine Articles, which site is posted on this blog. I would recommend that you start with my favorite one that I titled "The Healing Power of Holy Water."

God bless,

Tony McCleary

Friday, January 1, 2010

The desire to have a wonderful life

Happy New Year! And I hope that 2010 brings you a wonderful and a very successful year!

How will I manage to do that, you ask? If you lost your job in 2009 and haven't been able to find something equal to or better than what you had, don't despair. Or perhaps you have many other things to worry about, then please listen to my words of advice.

There are many things in life that we can't seem to change, and those are events that simply afflict us; some come at random and others by our own hand. I saw my brother get cancer, and for two years he fought with all his might, only to die at the end. He never gave up until there was no more fight in him. He was 61 when he passed away.

When we tried to comfort him with prayer and special petitions to God, he would reprimand us. He was a firm agnostic, but closer to atheism.

Does prayer work for all of our needs, including a terminal illness?

With God nothing is impossible! How many times have we heard those words, or read them right from the Bible. And yet, do you truly believe in them?

Perhaps for 2010, you don't need to make a resolution to pray for all your needs and those of your loved ones. Just dedicate a few minutes a day to thank God for your life, including all the trials and tribulations that have come your way. Trust me, I have had my share over the years, but I have learned to accept them and to go on with my life.

When you pray from now on, don't doubt yourself nor the results that you are praying for. The biggest mistake that people make is to pray with no heart put into it. Make your prayers as strong as possible, and simply thank God for his will, his mercy and his kindness.

Remember, with God nothing is impossible!

God bless,

Tony McCleary