Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Religion, Prayer and Exercise - The need and the desire to do all three

The need to have a religion in your life is important in that it helps to get closer to God. If that is what you desire. Prayer is a form of formally communicating with your maker, and physical exercise is required to keep you healthy for a long time.

I will even simplify it for you. Religion is a way of following a belief, a deity perhaps, a philosophy or a way of living your life. I have followed christianity since I was born, and have remained a devout christian my entire life. What I have learned in all of my years is that any religion that you may want to follow is fine, but make sure that it leads you to God and no one else.

I was at mass last Sunday, and the priest saying the mass, who is also a retired Bishop, said that death is "unpredictable" and Judgement Day is "inevitable." Here's my point, if I am going to die unexpectedly due to uncontrollabe elements, I don't have any issues with that thought. All of humanity is subject to the same rules of nature.

Now we have Judgment Day, and the bishop says it is inevitable, meaning, we are subject to face God and respond to Him.Some may not believe of this particular day coming up someday, but I do want to believe that I will see the face of God sometime in eternity.

Praying is a way to come closer to God in good terms, of course, and to ask Him to provide protection for my children whom are all adults. And exercising the body is of extreme importance also. As we stay healthy, our bodies function better and so do our minds. Being sick or ill for lack of exercise is our fault and no one else's.

So for this week, I recommend that you practice your religion, pray for your petitions, and for the safety and protection of your loved ones. If exercise is not in your weekly agenda, make it so. Exercising your body is healthy, and denial is damaging. Walking, biking, jogging, and other physical sports are all good for the body and mind.

Tony McCleary

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