Thursday, January 7, 2010

Prayers and holy water for a cancer patient—Will it work?

On Monday, January 11th, a patient which I have just become aware of through a friend of mine will be going in for chemo and radiation treatments. The patient is 60 years-old. She is afraid and uncertain of the outcome, and has asked many of her friends to pray for her.

I asked only one question of my friend over coffee at a Starbucks. I asked how it is that this lady contracted cancer? My friend told me that her friend was a heavy smoker for many years.

You have a situation here which was caused by smoking. It is in fact in past tense. The patient used to smoke a lot, but the damage is done. The only alternative now is to submit to the harsh treatments starting on Monday of next week.

Will prayer correct a wrong that was done to the body and by her own willing hand? An addiction to alcohol, illegal drugs, smoking and many other harmful substances can and will bring fatal results. But many of her friends, including me who has no relation to her— other than to have been asked by my friend to pray for her—will do everything possible to bring relief to this patient.

I will also provide holy water from my church to be placed on her neck and chest where the cancer is highly concentrated. Does the patient have to believe that prayers and holy water will work for her? Not at all! It is her friends, including me, that need to believe in the power of prayers and holy water to help her through the ordeal.

Should you have a friend or a relative who needs prayers and holy water, I will be happy to pray for them. Additionally, I will send to you a small vial of holy water from the church where I attend Mass. The holy water is a courtesy of mine, and you just need to place it over the injured area of the person, and just a small amount every day is all that is required.

You might want to read some of my articles which I have published in Ezine Articles, which site is posted on this blog. I would recommend that you start with my favorite one that I titled "The Healing Power of Holy Water."

God bless,

Tony McCleary

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