Friday, July 30, 2010

Make friends with God

God for some reason is a distant object for many people. I feel that the reason is that people spend their time focusing on their jobs, careers, daily life, and how to have fun. In other words, either surviving the daily trials of living; or simply enjoying life to the maximum. God then has no room at all in their lives.

I go to Mass twice a week, and especially on Sundays I observe how people react to the sermon. Many appear to go on "brain pause," meaning, they hold the brain from listening to anything the priest is saying until the sermon is over. Others just stare into space, or other parts of the church.

Most priest at my church give a good sermon, and the Pastor is a lively individual with plenty of anecdotes thrown in for entertainment. It isn't all dry and tried material that he speaks of. Here's my point, I don't go to church to sleep, but to listen and to learn. Many of my articles that I write on Ezine Articles are inspired from the sermons that I listen to.

My objective is to learn, and just last week the priest at the Spanish Mass mentioned something very interesting. He said that while in the Seminary to become a priest he read on St. Gregory from Nyssa. He was a Greek saint who said "Get to become friends with God." I thought about those words since then, and I felt that I should bring it up on my blog.

Perhaps we place God too far in the far distant space in the Universe, and we forget that He is here with us now. Jesus was very explicit about it, while he walked this Earth. God is with us, but maybe we should make an effort to make friends with Him.

I thought it was a great idea by St. Gregory, and it's just what many of us need to do. I walked away that day from Mass thinking about making friends with God, and I will admit that I am making that effort right now as I write these notes.

God bless, and should you need for me to pray for you, please don't hesitate. I will also make available for you a vial of holy water. Please contact me on my email below, and do read my articles on Ezine Articles on this page, especially the latest one on "How to Handle Bad Situations and Turn Your Life Around."

Tony McCleary

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