Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Religion, Prayer and Exercise - The need and the desire to do all three

The need to have a religion in your life is important in that it helps to get closer to God. If that is what you desire. Prayer is a form of formally communicating with your maker, and physical exercise is required to keep you healthy for a long time.

I will even simplify it for you. Religion is a way of following a belief, a deity perhaps, a philosophy or a way of living your life. I have followed christianity since I was born, and have remained a devout christian my entire life. What I have learned in all of my years is that any religion that you may want to follow is fine, but make sure that it leads you to God and no one else.

I was at mass last Sunday, and the priest saying the mass, who is also a retired Bishop, said that death is "unpredictable" and Judgement Day is "inevitable." Here's my point, if I am going to die unexpectedly due to uncontrollabe elements, I don't have any issues with that thought. All of humanity is subject to the same rules of nature.

Now we have Judgment Day, and the bishop says it is inevitable, meaning, we are subject to face God and respond to Him.Some may not believe of this particular day coming up someday, but I do want to believe that I will see the face of God sometime in eternity.

Praying is a way to come closer to God in good terms, of course, and to ask Him to provide protection for my children whom are all adults. And exercising the body is of extreme importance also. As we stay healthy, our bodies function better and so do our minds. Being sick or ill for lack of exercise is our fault and no one else's.

So for this week, I recommend that you practice your religion, pray for your petitions, and for the safety and protection of your loved ones. If exercise is not in your weekly agenda, make it so. Exercising your body is healthy, and denial is damaging. Walking, biking, jogging, and other physical sports are all good for the body and mind.

Tony McCleary

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Art of Living Your Life to the Fullest

Wherever you are right now in your life, it's the best time ever! If it is not, it's because of something that's pending in your life. It might be just a stop over on your journey,a hitch, let's say, but life will go on for you. In fact, nothing stops for us.

We live our lives like a movie which never stops until the movie ends. We just don't know when it will end, and I don't believe we need to or want to know. That's why it said that "death is unpredictable" and I prefer to leave at that. It give me the opportunity to live my life on an ongoing basis like a business.

What makes us happy? That's something that we all need to find while we enjoy our journey through life. I find happiness in just waking up, getting a cup of coffee and writing my pages on blogs, or my articles on There were many years in my life of uncertainties and marital problems until divorce finally arrived. Thereafter, life was simply made easier when we no longer lived together.

Being Catholic, I didn't see divorce as something to be proud of. But when two people cannot live together any longer, divorce is inevitable. Life went on better for both of us, and even the children were able to relax and get on with their lives as well.

I have found over the years, and it is something that younger people should try to understand early in their lives, we choose how we plan on living life to the fullest. We are the authors of our life, meaning, we can make it one "happy movie" every single day of our lives. At least we can try, and I have found over my lifetime that it works to start off on a "good foot" meaning, start the day on a happy note.

Being grateful for what we have is a great way to start the day, and looking forward for more out of life is the thing to do. Living life to the fullest is mental as well as physical. Good health comes from good food and exercise, and peace of mind comes from love of everything that surrounds you.

Should you be going through a difficult period, and you would like for me to pray for you, please let me know and I will include you in my prayer vigil. You may also want to read my various articles on Ezine found on this page regarding prayer, holy water, and other interesting subjects.

Tony McCleary

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Holy Water - Does it really work to heal injuries and to cure pain?

In my last article on Ezine Articles which I titled "Holy Water - A Proven Method to Heal Injuries and Cure Pain" I mentioned various instances of successful results. I also wrote to explain the suggested methods for applying the blessed water on yourself. You may find this article by going to it directly on the right side of this post and scroll down.

My objective is to help people understand that there is an element available to them that can replace pain killers, and take away habit-forming sleeping pills. This element is holy water, and it is available to you simply by acquiring it at a Catholic Church in your city. If you are shy, or you're not Catholic, but still you want to try out holy water, I will get a small vial of it for you and mail it to you.

It will be a courtesy of mine, and all that I am asking from you is your blessings and your prompt healing.

Holy Water is ceremoniously used to ward off evil, disease, and to give protection. Many families have children in school living with them at home or away from home. I have mentioned many times that blessing your children on a daily basis should be implemented. You may do it through prayer by asking God to protect them, and additionally by placing holy water on their foreheads or on their photos.

I do both every single day. I pray for my children, and also for people around the world that ask me to say a prayer for them. Some of these people have a particular need, others just wish for me to pray for them. On my children and other family members, I place holy water on their photos and make the sign of the cross over their face. I either do it on my laptop screen photos, or photos which are covered in glass or with plastic.

If I were to do a survey in the U.S.A. alone, I would probably find that a majority of the people do not employ prayers to ask for their daily needs; any more than to use holy water for healing and curing pain. I have found over the years that the combination of the two is a very powerful force indeed.

I look at MSN News for updates around the world, and just two single incidents of major proportions such as the Haiti or Chile earthquakes wake me up to the fact that we need to pray for our lives and that of others every day. Then, you have a 'crazed professor' in Alabama kill three of her colleagues in cold blood because she didn't get tenure. In Southern California a girl is recently found a few days later death by violent assault, while she was out jogging in a relatively safe neighborhood.

Who protects our lives and that of our loved ones? It is God! There is no one else out there in the universe able to do so. Praying to Him is the thing to do every single day. And my suggestion that holy water be placed on the foreheads of your children living with you, or on their photos if they live away, will be your way of offering them protection from evil and disease.

I will make the holy water available to you at my courtesy and expense simply by asking me to send you a small vial through the mail. Everyone that has asked me has received, and you will not be an exception to my personal offer. All that I ask of you is that you employ the blessed water as recommended in my article, and in return just say a prayer for me. Fair enough?

Tony McCleary