Sunday, November 1, 2009

Organized Religion—Is it Good For You?

The majority of the world's population is born to a religion; and how we all grow in it is pretty much left to our parents, or guardians. My parents were Catholic, so the eight of us followed their path. Once we became adults, five of us continued attending church, and three are totally against it. And the sad thing is that two of my brothers saw combat in Korea, and my youngest brother was in Vietnam.

Why do people stay away from their religion of birth is a mystery to me. Even when they get married, their spouses follow suit. Sometimes a spouse, girlfriend, or boyfriend will talk the other person out of attending organized church services. And life continues its merry way, and when serious problems creep up all of a sudden, they have a difficult time coping. So they scramble over to their friends for advice; when they should be going to their church's ministry for counseling.

You might have had a bad experience in the past with a 'person of the cloth,' or you didn't like a particular sermon, and you wrote religion off for the rest of your life. Guess what? People switch out from one church to another looking for satisfaction. That's fine, and I suppose it is better than not having any religion at all! However, eventually it is best to settle down for a particular church, temple, synagogue, or mosque, and make religion a part of your life—unless you are an atheist, like a friend of mine is, and he has absolutely no religion at all.

Organized religion, with all its inherent flaws is still better for people than being totally out of the loop. One hour a week for God is fair, don't you think? He give us 24-hour a day service and attention; is it such a bad idea to return one hour of our time per week?

I see more good in people that attend religious services of their preference once or twice a week, than seeing them every weekend watching football, baseball, and other sports the entire weekend—while drinking vast amounts of beer and snacking gigantic portions of high-fat foods. Make a compromise and do both! If you have children, you will set a good example if you place God first in your weekend activities.

It's a choice that we make, and some form of healthy religion is good for the soul. Spending time with God helps to stay focused on life's priorities . Attending organized religious services may do you a world of good. It has for billions of people since the beginning of organized religion.

Read my latest article titled "Prayer and Holy Water—The Reason and the Force Behind Them." You will get a good idea on how prayer and holy water works for your benefit. Please go to Ezine Articles on this page and click the article of your choice.

Tony McCleary

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