Sunday, September 4, 2011

When Cancer Is At Your Doorstep, And Hope Is Lost

I have cases that come to me for prayers, either directly through this blog,or from referrals of other cancer patients that I have prayed for succesfully. In these cases, the patient has been found with cancer, and the doctors have given up any hope at all. Therefore, the patient is left without recourse, and death is just around the corner.

Don't give up just yet, and allow me to pray for you!

I take all cases regardless of their current condition. One recent case that I took was suffering from oral cancer at stage 4. This stage is quite advanced, and his doctors had given him absolutely no hope at all, even with chemotherapy!

I prayed for this patient starting on June 21st and by July 29th (five weeks later) he was found cancer-free. During this period, I experienced one vision to pray for him, and seven days later,I experienced another vision of physical healing at a Catholic Adoration Chapel of Jesus Christ.

All this information is published under Ezine Articles, and you will find the link on the right side of this blog. I titled my article "Jesus Christ Is Alive And With Us Today!"

Please read it, and should you have a patient you would like to refer to me for prayers, I will ask only two questions, "Do you believe in God, and do you pray to Jesus Christ?" The patient's religion is irrelevant to me as long as they believe in God.

I will accept a yes to either one, and I will take over the prayers for the patient. This is a gift to people, and I take nothing in return. So feel free to contact me to my email below. And you may share this blog with anyone you wish.

Tony McCleary