Saturday, October 29, 2011

When Jesus Christ Speaks With You

I do vision healing, and in this form of spiritual healing Jesus Christ is requested to help with a patient. The patient may be in a stage 4 phase of cancer, and you are requested to pray for them. In other cases they ask for holy water in the hope that it will help them to cure their illness.

All of my healing are done at the Adoration Chapel of the Catholic Church where I attend services. Each healing requires that I take the name of the patient, the condition, the urgency, and I make my request to Jesus. If Jesus wishes to grant the healing, He will allow me to see a vision of the healing.

I always wanted to heal young children with cancer, since their chances of surviving are very difficult. I had that opportunity with a two year-old that I will name Billy (for my brother) who happens to be a patient at the St Jude Hospital in Memphis, TN.

In the vision, Jesus walked over to where Billy was laying in bed asleep, and He knelt down by his bedside. Jesus placed His hands on Billy's forehead and on his feet,which were under the sheets and light blanket.

The room in the vision was beautifully decorated with boyish things and ornaments. Even the sheets were colorful. Then the most amazing thing occurred: a very bright light shone on and above the body of Billy. Jesus placed His hands just above the edge of the light. Three minutes went by and then Jesus said, "Billy, you are healed; you will live"

The vision lasted a total of seven minutes, and then it was over. This vision was emailed to the parents of the child. This is what I call "Vision Healing" and only Jesus Christ could have conceded to little Billy a miracle of healing.

You may contact me on my email noted below for prayers and holy water. All of my services are not free, instead, they are a gift from me!

You may want to read my most current article titled "How to fight cancer and other disease with God on your side" on Ezine Articles on the right side of this page.

Please send this page to anyone you wish to help with their battle against cancer. I also speak Spanish, and partial French.

Tony McCleary

Monday, October 3, 2011

A Vision of Healing For Someone in India with an Inoperable Brain Tumor

I was asked to send holy water for someone in India who suffers from an inoperable brain tumor. I asked if the person believed in God, and the answer was yes, but from a Hindu perspective. I agreed to send the water, but I left for Haiti on a project.

I was gone for two weeks, and I didn't take my laptop with me, so I was basically out of contact with the world. Upon my return last Friday, October 1, the following morning I decided to ask Jesus Christ for a healing.

On Saturday early in the morning, I went to the Adoration Chapel at St Andrew Catholic Church in Coral Springs, Florida. I signed the log at 10:30 am, and I sat down to start my prayers. I asked Jesus to please heal this male person in India who had asked me through a friend for holy water. Instead of sending him holy water to relieve the pain, I asked for a healing by Jesus Christ.

The healing went through, and I will describe it for you:

*Jesus Christ walked over to this gentleman from India, and He embraced him with His right arm by placing His arm around the neck of the patient.

*Jesus then placed His left hand on the gentleman's forehead and held him there throughout the vision.

*A white smoke developed around the person's face, and I believe it might have been burning incense.

*Then, the most amazing thing occurred. "An extremely bright beam of light" emanated from the person's top of his head. The beam had a slight angle that pointed toward heaven.

*The light beam remained there for the entire vision.

*I asked Jesus if this was a full healing of the person, and He said, "Tony, have faith. Whatever I touch, I heal."

The vision came to an end, and I walked out of the chapel at exactly 10:45 am. The vision lasted seven minutes. I sent this vision by email to the friend of the patient who had contacted me on this blog, and I asked her to translate it and interpret it to her friend who is the one suffering from the brain tumor.

I will in time hear from India, but I know in my heart that the vision is true, and that indeed a "miracle of healing" took place at the Adoration Chapel, by the One who is adored in that chapel, and that is the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

Contact me for prayers or holy water and I will help you with that. I do it all as a courtesy, so don't hesitate to get a hold of me if you have a loved one you must save. You may also share this blog and email with someone in need.

Tony McCleary

Sunday, September 4, 2011

When Cancer Is At Your Doorstep, And Hope Is Lost

I have cases that come to me for prayers, either directly through this blog,or from referrals of other cancer patients that I have prayed for succesfully. In these cases, the patient has been found with cancer, and the doctors have given up any hope at all. Therefore, the patient is left without recourse, and death is just around the corner.

Don't give up just yet, and allow me to pray for you!

I take all cases regardless of their current condition. One recent case that I took was suffering from oral cancer at stage 4. This stage is quite advanced, and his doctors had given him absolutely no hope at all, even with chemotherapy!

I prayed for this patient starting on June 21st and by July 29th (five weeks later) he was found cancer-free. During this period, I experienced one vision to pray for him, and seven days later,I experienced another vision of physical healing at a Catholic Adoration Chapel of Jesus Christ.

All this information is published under Ezine Articles, and you will find the link on the right side of this blog. I titled my article "Jesus Christ Is Alive And With Us Today!"

Please read it, and should you have a patient you would like to refer to me for prayers, I will ask only two questions, "Do you believe in God, and do you pray to Jesus Christ?" The patient's religion is irrelevant to me as long as they believe in God.

I will accept a yes to either one, and I will take over the prayers for the patient. This is a gift to people, and I take nothing in return. So feel free to contact me to my email below. And you may share this blog with anyone you wish.

Tony McCleary

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Healing with Faith through Jesus Christ

Today I was at the 1:30 Mass at the Catholic Church that I attend, and the Sermon was related to this Gentile woman. She knew that Jesus would be walking by and she decided to wait for him. When she saw him she started to yell, "Son of David have pity on me!"

Jesus' disciples got to him in the multitude and advised him to do something about this nagging woman. She wasn't exactly nagging Jesus. She wanted him to heal her daughter who was demon-possessed. When she finally reached Jesus and laid at his feet, Jesus responded to her. After an exchange of words between them, Jesus found great faith in her and conceded the healing for her daughter.

People are forever in conflict with God and Jesus over this incredible word called FAITH! Many find it difficult to understand how faith works because they lack understanding of Scripture. If you read the Bible you will come to an understanding of how faith worked for millions of people. Two main figures in the Old Testament were Abraham and Moses. And they could have never done what they did without faith.

Jesus talks about faith many times in the New Testament. I apply faith when I request a healing for people whose names I take to the Adoration Chapel at my Catholic Church, and I ask Jesus. Just like the Gentile woman in the story, I too go in faith and present my case.

Whatever it is that you want to discuss with Jesus, do it in faith that he is listening to you. If Jesus isn't who you pray to, then go to God.

***Please note that I pray for people, and normally in extreme cases of illness. Should you have a strong need for my urgent prayer intercession, I would like to take your case to Jesus Christ. You have my email, so please feel free to reach me.

I also read the Bible with people on the internet via Skype. I can let you read it and I will listen and interpret passages for you.

Tony McCleary

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Visions of Healing of Extreme and Less Extreme Cases

When I set up my Prayer Blog a while back,I already had a few articles published on subjects ranging from prayers to miracles and holy water. Until about November of 2010, I hadn't experienced what I will call "visions of healing or prayers."

Visions of healing or prayers are derived from a divine source, and that is God alone. If you will read my article titled: "How to understand visions"/"Jesus Christ is alive and with us today!"/ and "Actual and current visions of healing" you will get a very good understanding of how I experience visions.

I have categorized "extreme cases" as patients who have been diagnosed with cancer in a high stage, for example, Stage 4, and 'death is at their doorstep.' Other extreme cases might be total organ failure. I also have had visions of healing on less extreme cases, but very serious cases nonetheless.

People under "extreme cases" come to me either via Google and they draw on my articles, and subsequently find my Blog and email address. Other cases come to me through casual contacts.

When people ask me to pray for them, I take their name and I place them on my Daily Prayer List. Then I do two things: pray for them daily, and I also place holy water on their names, that's right, holy water on my laptop screen where the name shows on the Prayer List.

In July I had four "visions of healing." These were the cases that I will detail for your information: two were extreme and two were less extreme:

Month of July 2011 visions of healing of extreme cases:

1) Throat Cancer stage 4 (Calif. 53 year-old male resident)
2) Breast Cancer stage 4 (Florida 63 year year-old resident)

Visions of healing of less extreme cases:

3) Epilepsy (American male of 31)
4) Genetic blindness (French girl of 19)

After you have read my articles, please contact me for the results of each case that I have noted above. I presently have the results, or the ongoing progress information on each case which I will be happy to share with you.

I pray as a passion and not as a hobby. Should you be interested in my praying for you or a loved one, just let me know via my email address.

Many blessings,

Tony McCleary

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Warning Signs of Health Issues Through Prayers

Would praying to God on a regular basis help you to determine the state of your health, even the length of your life? Do you think that by praying daily you can at least get a fair warning to get a check-up and avoid a serious condition down the row?

I am currently praying for the life of five cancer patients who range from Stage 2 to Stage 4. The last phase of cancer is Stage 5, but many people die at Stage 4. I am praying for a known acquaintance of mine who is presently under chemotherapy and radiation with a chance of survival of 18 months max. And without treatment he was given 6 months max.

When anyone is told of their drastic condition—cancer,for example—life takes two directions: the person will either take the news and face the storm, or they might go into a downward spiral with little possibility of return. And this is true when they find that major surgery is being required to remove the cancerous organs, or body parts.

To add to the misery of the bad news, a patient might be given a time limit of so much life left. And two avenues open up, one: they outlive the prediction of the doctors, or two: they die way before the determined time is due. On the one hand they fight the disease against all odds with chemotherapy and radiation, and they live on beyond any expectations; or in the second case, they die of despair, even after having gone through a major battle to fight the disease.

Whatever the case might be in your life, let me teach you how to pray while I will also pray for you. You have every thing to gain by getting closer to God, and I have everything to gain by helping you!

Please refer to my articles in Ezine Articles with a link available for you on this Blog, especially the one titled, "How To Pray With Success And Results." You may also want to read my other articles on miracles, holy water, and visions.

To get a hold of me, just reach for my email. I pray as a courtesy for anyone who asks, but please respect my email address. You can also send this Blog to people that you might know who need prayers.

Tony McCleary

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Parents should pray daily for their children

I have a good way to chat with people, or to befriend people without delving into their personal lives. I normally sit at Barnes and Noble or at a nearby Starbucks to my residence and read for research or pleasure.

By simply befriending people sitting nearby, or sometimes when sharing a table I learn of their lives. But what is most interesting is how they tell me of their trials in life. One young lady recently told me of having lost one of her students in a car accident. The loss occurred during Valentine's Day 2011.

Apparently the victim was not wearing her seat belt on, and the other young driver was writing text on his cell phone. The driver lost control of the vehicle by crossing the median, and he got involved in a head-on collision.

The driver survived because he had his belt on, but his female passenger, an 18 year-old, severed her spinal cord when her body struck the dashboard and front windshield. The girl, a very competitive soccer player in her high school team, was brain-dead but not bodily. Her parents were not in town at the time of accident. Both parents were divorced. The girl passed away the following day from the accident.

Who was praying for this girl? Perhaps no one! Here's my point: it is the responsibility of the parents to pray for their children because most young people are too busy with their lives to pay much attention to religious and spiritual matters.

I know this from my own experience as a father of three wonderful adult children. None go to Mass regularly, although all three were raised in the Catholic religion.

If I leave it up to them to pray daily to God for their protection and well-being, I will be making one huge assumption, and perhaps a serious mistake. Most people assume that all is good without a firm relationship to God, so when things go sour, they look up and blame heaven.

Perhaps prayers by the parents might have avoided the tragic accident of the girl that I mentioned. Maybe, just maybe, God could have intervened on her behalf to have prompted her to put on her seat belt and it might have saved her life.

Here's a parental dilemma that I want to share: "How do I know if praying to God for the protection of my children will actually work?" Here's my answer to that: "You don't, but if something should occur to your child, you will at least have had the comfort to know that you tried."

On the contrary, the burden of carrying the dead of a child for the rest of your life thinking that perhaps through prayers God could have saved that child is just to great a burden to bear!

Why parents don't pray regularly and consistently for their children is because they don't bother to consider the value of praying for anything or anyone at all! The fault lies with the parents and not with the children, regardless of the age of the child.

Dear reader, please reflect on this thought: "Praying was established since the days of Abraham over three thousand years ago on the firm belief that God is the protector of us all."

It is no different today, and it will continue to be our best policy: "To pray daily for the protection and well-being of our children to God is and will always be the duty and obligation of parents. To leave this responsibility to your children, teenagers, young adults is and can be a fatal mistake!"

You are welcome to reach me for prayers at my email address. You will be placed in my daily Prayer Vigil List, and I will carry you through until we get results. I ask for nothing in return, and just keep me posted. You may also want to read my latest articles on Ezine Articles posted on this Blog to the right, regarding prayers, healing, and the use of holy water.

Tony McCleary

Saturday, May 7, 2011

When You Run Out Of Alternatives Use Holy Water

There are people out in the world with fatal illnesses, car accidents, or terminal cancer without any possible recourse. People have done all that they can to get cured, and the doctors have given the patient an approximate date of death. This may not be you, but perhaps you have a relative or a friend who is in their critical and final phase of their lives.

I am not concerned about the age of the patient, but if you have a desire to try something that might work for you, then this is what I am offering to you. You can ask me to send you a vial of holy water that I can get from the Catholic church that I go to for services. Or, you may want to get it yourself in your part of the world.

When you get the holy water sprinkle, pour, or anoint the water on yourself or your loved one. I will provide it for you as a courtesy. You have nothing to lose by using it, and just go beyond your beliefs. If you are spiritual but not a religious person, that's okay. You only need to believe that it is God's water and that shall do for now. If the holy water helps you, then please make a small contribution to your church or give to the poor.

I recommend that you apply holy water at least three times a day, and for at least a month. In the meantime I will be praying for you. The holy water will be sent to you as a gift. I just need to know the name of the patient and an address to send the water to. As a courtesy on your part, I would appreciate if you would stay in contact with me via email on the progress.

Best hopes for you, and please read my articles on prayer, holy water, and miracles which I have published on Ezine Articles. You may find that link right on this blog.

Tony McCleary

Friday, February 11, 2011

How To Determine If Prayers Are Being Answered

How do we know if our prayers are being answered when we pray everyday, either to ask for favors combined with prayers said mostly in gratitude?

I combine my prayers with both categories. I ask of God things for my family and for myself, and then I pray for people who have asked me to pray for them, or their loved ones. I try to prioritize the urgent items, such as a major illness, a coming exam, people who need jobs, etc. Then, I go on to thank God for taking care of my requests, my family, and me too.

Many people pray for things that if they consider them at the end of the day, they are probably not exactly what they want versus what they need. I am guilty of doing the same, and sometimes we just don't know what we truly want. And that's okay, because by the fact that you are indeed praying every day is an excellent habit. When you need to pray for an urgency regarding a family matter, you will be in practice.

You will know when prayers are answered by the results that come along your way. In the case of a medical urgency, you receive good news from the doctors. When you're looking for work and a job interview comes up, that's prayers being answered.

Perhaps you're running short of funds to take care of things at home, pray for God to find a solution for you. And when the solution comes, just say thanks. And normally the answer comes in accordance with the urgency of the request.

You see, the reason prayers are answered is that we were made that promise. When the words "Ask, Believe, and You Will Receive," were said by Jesus, I don't believe that anyone was playing here.

Always pray with the conviction that your prayers will be at least listened to. And remember that we all receive not what we pray for, but instead what we justly earn. In other words, we get what we need not what we want.

If you should need prayers, get in touch with me on my email address noted below. You may also want to read my articles on prayers and holy water posted to Ezine Articles noted on this Page.

Tony McCleary

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Why pray, and what are you praying for!

The reason that most of us pray is to request God, the saints, or Jesus directly for a particular favor. It may also be a prayer of gratitude. Then, like me, I simply pray to keep my thoughts close to God.

On Thursday morning I attend Mass at my Catholic church, not far from where I live, and since I get to open the church at 6 am and I also prepare the Chapel for the Mass, I get to see the Virgin Mary. At 6 am no one is there, so I get a great opportunity to talk to the Virgin. But, in my talks I ask for favors for many people.

When people ask me to pray for them, I take all petitions to the Virgin. She is known to be a "very powerful intercessor," meaning that she is the intermediary between Jesus and the Father.

Do I get all of my prayer requests answered? I believe with my heart, and with total faith that she listens, and God decides. There's an old saying, "Not what we pray for do we get, but what we justly earn." That can mean one thing to me, that we get not what we want, but what we truly need.

Years back, I prayed with my heart and soul to save my marriage. Divorce came just as surely as the snows in the North, and today I can say that it was for the best. And the amazing thing about it, it released me to live my life to do many other things which I couldn't seem to do while married, for example, pray for people and learn about holy water.

For that alone, I am truly grateful, for my life found peace and joy in just living.

If you are having a tough time with your life at this time, let me pray for you to the Virgin Mary. And you have my article just posted to on "Holy Water - Major Benefits and Savings." Please read it, and see if holy water is for you!

Tony McCleary

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Art of Living Life to the Fullest

Wherever you are right now in your life, it's the best time ever! If it is not, it's because of something that's pending in your life. It might be just a stop over on your journey,a hitch, let's say, but life will go on for you. In fact, nothing stops for us.

We live our lives like a movie which never stops until the movie ends. We just don't know when it will end, and I don't believe we need to or want to know. That's why it said that "death is unpredictable" and I prefer to leave at that. It give me the opportunity to live my life on an ongoing basis like a business.

What makes us happy? That's something that we all need to find while we enjoy our journey through life. I find happiness in just waking up, getting a cup of coffee and writing my pages on blogs, or my articles on There were many years in my life of uncertainties and marital problems until divorce finally arrived. Thereafter, life was simply made easier when we no longer lived together.

Being Catholic, I didn't see divorce as something to be proud of. But when two people cannot live together any longer, divorce is inevitable. Life went on better for both of us, and even the children were able to relax and get on with their lives as well.

I have found over the years, and it is something that younger people should try to understand early in their lives, we choose how we plan on living life to the fullest. We are the authors of our life, meaning, we can make it one "happy movie" every single day of our lives. At least we can try, and I have found over my lifetime that it works to start off on a "good foot" meaning, start the day on a happy note.

Being grateful for what we have is a great way to start the day, and looking forward for more out of life is the thing to do. Living life to the fullest is mental as well as physical. Good health comes from good food and exercise, and peace of mind comes from love of everything that surrounds you.

Should you be going through a difficult period, and you would like for me to pray for you, please let me know and I will include you in my prayer vigil. You may also want to read my various articles on Ezine found on this page regarding prayer, holy water, and other interesting subjects.

Tony McCleary