Friday, February 19, 2010

Religion, why it is important as a major part of your life

As you mature in life you will find that religion is something that you will seek more of it on a regular basis. Younger people when they move on with their lives, especially students attending university, they tend to leave religion on the side. I know that I did, and for years afterwards when I went to work in various locations around the world.

I still believed strongly in God and Jesus, but I was lazy about attending Mass. When I got married at the age of 29, I got back to Mass, at least once a week.

My children where raised Catholic, and they don't even bother to attend Catholic Mass, at least once a week. They do, but once a year when they're home for Christmas, and only because I make sure that we attend Mass together. A year before my divorce and for three more years, I attended Mass every single day of the week.

Now I go twice a week, and I find it sufficient for my needs. However, I still pray once a day for people that ask me to pray for them. Just as important are prayers for my adult children: two live out of town and one lives with me for now, while attending university for further education.

You read the news and you will find someone taking it upon themselves to kill people at random because of some personal issue. If hatred is the motive, religion is not the cause. Most legitimate religions of the world preach love and respect for mankind. Since the Ten Commandments were presented, and we are talking close to 3,000 years ago, it clearly stated, "Thou shall not kill."

Religion's main purpose (and I am truly giving a condensed version) is to read about it, live it, and to understand God's teachings. This is done through the writings of the leaders of that religion over thousands of years. The desired results are a lifetime of right behavior in the affairs of man. Love for God is the main objective of most religions that believe in God.

Praying is the desired method to reach God; and I have mentioned many times in my postings that prayer is also a super way to ask God for protection against disease, violence and hatred. Praying to God to protect us, our family members and friends is accepting that God does exist and has the power to keep us safe.

Considering the incredibly high unemployment rate in the U.S., asking God to help you find a good job is your best course. If you are happily employed, ask God to help you to keep your job, and thank Him.

If you can spend one hour a week focusing on God alone, that's fine. Whether you do it at home or at a church, temple or mosque, you will have gotten closer to God. I find that attending Mass (in my case twice a week) helps me to focus more on God, and it works for me. And during the week, I say my prayers daily.

My point is that if we can work for 40 to 80 hours per week (for some people) we can certainly spend one hour a week listening to the word of God or reading about Him. If God came first in your life, you simply can't help learning from him to love, lose your fears, and live a happier life.

Tony McCleary

Sunday, February 7, 2010

When your children are away in school or the military, pray more

When the children are away in school or the military, should we pray more than usual?

Yes, and you probably already do that! But I am going to add that you place holy water on their photos. By doing so you are in a way requesting God to keep them away from evil and disease, and to provide them with protection.

I see all of these soldiers dying in Afghanistan, and then you have the Haiti earthquake where American citizens lost their lives, besides the thousands of Haitians that will no longer be able to walk this earth.

A few days ago, I read about this female student at Virginia Tech whose remains were found abandoned in a farm field after months of her disappearance. Apparently she was picked up by someone during a concert, and she never got home again.

Just yesterday, I found out that a nephew of mine who was 52 years-old was found death at a Walgreen Pharmacy parking lot. He had been in and out of jail for almost his entire life after he finished high school. He was found wrapped in a blanket totally abandoned and just two blocks away from his mother's house, my oldest sister. He was homeless for he could not live with his mother because of his abusive nature.

What is the relationship of these two lives, totally apart in social status, age, education, and lifestyles?

At one time they were babies, innocent and smiling at the world. Then one day death came upon them prematurely regardless of position in life. This is the only common factor between these two lives, and with all of us. Some day, we must all go, but we want to go in peace and not violently.

So we pray for our children that God protects them and gives them a safe journey through life. I insist and hope that people will take my advice and place holy water on the photos of their children, especially when they are not living with you on a regular basis.

Please go to my latest article on Ezine Articles on this page, and read my article titled "Holy Water - A Proven Method to Heal Injuries and Cure Pain." It will give you some ideas on how to use this miraculous water for protection of your children.

Should you need a prayer for someone that is ill in you family, please don't hesitate to ask me, and I will include you in my daily prayers.

God bless,
Tony McCleary