Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Life is like a movie—God is the Producer, and we are the Director and the main Actor

Life is like a movie, and it is as good as we decide to make it so. How long will the movie last? We just don't know. It can be a lengthy one or unfortunately a short one.

Irregardless of its length, so far, is it a good life? I am writing today, so that the question stands current. We should be able at this moment to ask ourselves, "Have I lived a good life so far?"

I was made aware of the death of a child of 19 months from drowning. Her very short life was not lived in vain. Many of her organs were donated to other recipients who needed a transplant in order to continue to live. Her "movie" was very short, but her memory lives on.

Friends, a brother and a manager that I worked for in my lifetime are gone, due to disease—and all died before they reached 60. Can we control disease, such as cancer? There is treatment available, but when it is diagnosed late in its stage, there isn't much anyone can do about it. My brother lasted two years in therapy, only to see his body thorn to pieces from nine operations.

I recall offering to pray for him, but he was adamant that nothing would help him. He didn't believe in God, and wanted nothing to do with Him; nor did he allow the rest of the family to pray for him either. I remember asking him if I could, and he almost threw me out of his house.

My oldest sister is bed-prone due to Parkinson disease. She allows me to pray for her, and she puts holy water on her forehead everyday. She is now 81 years-old, and continues to want to live, in spite of her condition. Her "movie" I would rate as excellent since she has survived her disease, the pain of a son who committed suicide, and another son who spent over 30 years in jail for drug abuse, and is nowhere to be found today.

We are all an ongoing "movie" being played out. Are we going to make it a "grand movie" or just a mediocre one? Where does God come in to our lives? He comes in when we invite Him. Praying is the vehicle that He provided for us to use at our disposal to get close to Him. He is the Producer of our movie, but we are the Director and the main Actor.

If you want to make the best movie ever of your life, pray to God to help you, just as I have for all my years in this beautiful planet. Do I deserve to have lived this long, probably not? But I thank Him everyday for allowing me to maintain my health, and to write my articles on Prayer and Holy Water; and the many other subjects that I hope will help people to continue to appreciate life. Please review any article that you wish on Ezine Articles and click [Read More] for a complete list.

Tony McCleary

Friday, October 16, 2009

Praying and Waiting for Answers

We all wish that when we pray for something, someone above would answer our call and give us an answer right away. Unfortunately, it is not that simple, and waiting is a must. I know for a fact that I have had hundreds of request made through prayer, and few have ever been answered.

However, let me clarify, that the most important prayers in my life have been answered. The reason for that is, when I have prayed with heart and soul, the channel of communication has always been open for me. Perhaps it was because I had a truly and legitimate request. Other petitions have either become non-necessary, or forgotten on my part or in heaven.

Many times, we have nothing to ask because all is going well. Then our prayers are no more than those prescribed by each person's religion. I mentioned in other postings that I say the Our Father and The Hail Mary every day five times each. I am not asking, I am simply communing with God.

From my experiences in life, and from many years of praying and waiting, I have found that when prayers are answered, it is like a faucet that is opened in heaven, but very slowly. The water will drip one painful drop at a time until the glass is full. It may take weeks, months for the glass to fill up, and that is when your prayer has been answered—when the glass is full.

Here's the rub! Is your request still required or needed, or have you forgotten what you originally prayed for? Most people pray for things, and when nothing happens immediately, they give up. The next thing that comes to their minds is: prayer does not work for me. And yet, the glass is filled to the rim with water, but the person goes thirsty waiting for answers.

Let me explain. All prayers are answered with a Yes or a No! The only one that holds the 'faucet handle' is God. He determines the speed that the water pours, simply by moving the handle, and we just have to accept His will. Here is where faith goes a long, long way in your life.

Please read my articles posted on Ezine Articles on prayer and holy water. If you go to the top and hit [Read More] you will find a list of all of my articles. Please be so kind to refer this blog to friends and family, and it will be highly appreciated. You never know, there may be someone close to you who needs a kind word of encouragement from you to pray and seek answers.

Tony McCleary

Friday, October 9, 2009

Praying for a New Job, a Broken Relationship, Financial Help

Praying is truly asking God for help in a matter of urgency in many cases. If you just lost your job, for example, your next step is not to sit around and mop. You need to get going as fast as you can and post your Resume with head hunters, employment agencies, and if need be, you go knocking on doors. Unemployment benefits has saved many, but it will not cover your current life-style unless you adjust quickly.

Sometimes life seems impossible to cope with, especially when you don't have a job, and no other source of income, but you are not alone. You need to reduce your monthly expenditures one way or the other. You cannot possibly continue for long if your monthly costs remain the same. Sacrifices must be made, and they start right at home.

Finding a new job equal to or better than what you had before is your goal; however, in the interim you need to get any job, period! Restaurants are always hiring, and you may have to settle for the kitchen and clean-up duties for a while. A friend of mine went to work for Starbucks as a temporary solution, and eventually a job in his field came up.

What I do find is that people don't pray with any sense of faith for the things that they need. Instead, they curse their current situation rather than blessing it. "Ask and you will receive" is as true today as when it was first heard of from Jesus.

You just broke up with your girlfriend, or boyfriend, and you feel the pain. Don't pine your day away! Relax, and let time heal the wound. Best way to handle the pain is to pray for that person, and wish them well. As you do, peace takes over your thoughts, and the hurt and perhaps your anger will not be so severe. Try it, because it truly works!

When your finances are so tight that you can cry, and you have costly habits, e.g., drinking and smoking, and in some cases, gambling, have the courage to cut them out. A friend of mine that I help on occasion with his cargo ship business, does all of the above. He has lost tremendous sums of money on his investments, but his habits must go on. He borrows and borrows to pay his monthly family and business expenses, and yet I have seen him at Casinos drop hundreds and hundreds of dollars on the table playing Black Jack—and losing most of the time.

You want to pray to God for solutions to your current state of affairs; however, you are not willing to make the necessary sacrifices? It simply will not work for you. Humble yourself to the facts of your present situation; make the necessary adjustments to your life-style, and then ask all that you want and need. I believe that you will then see miracles happen in your life.

I know that to be true for I have seen many miracles occur in my life, and all because I believed when I asked. Which confirms the validity of the words, "According to your faith, be it unto you."

I would like to recommend that you visit the Ezine Articles page posted on this blog, and look at my latest article on "How to Keep your Job..." There are other articles that may also help you on prayer and holy water, especially if you need solace.

Tony McCleary

Monday, October 5, 2009

Recommended use of Holy Water for the eyes

About three weeks ago, and during the middle of the week, I was mountain biking at a park near my place here in South Florida. This park is named Quiet Waters for all the lakes that it has. It also has some excellent dirt, sand and rock trails to ride on. It was a beautiful morning to be outdoors, and I took full advantage.

I got there early with my truck and the bike hanging on the bike rack. I was ready for action! What I did not expect was that within thirty minutes into my ride, I would be upside down in the bushes, tangled up and with my bike still attached to my shoes. If that wasn't enough, I was getting soaked and sinking right into the lake.

The water felt good, since it is so hot in Florida. What is not too appealing is having something lurking in the water or the bushes take a bite at you. There are moccasin snakes in those lakes, and people are warned not to go swimming in any of the adjoining lakes.

I was speeding down a winding path when I came up to a rocky step-up. You have two choices, you either lift the front end of the bike and pedal as soon as the rear touches rock. Or you stop and walk the bike up the path. I made the right maneuver, except that I came down on the edge of the path facing the lake, and the front tire slipped on the soft and sandy soil and I went left instead of slightly to the right.

I always wear a helmet and gloves, plus my sunglasses. I got poked by a branch, and I recall feeling the sting right near my left eye. I didn't pay much attention to it until a few days later when I felt a burning sensation. I checked my eye and saw redness on the corner. For the next seven days, I put eye drops for relief and allergy.

By the end of the week, I started getting severe headaches, and by now both eyes were red as tomatoes. I figured that an eye doctor would cost me $250 U.S. to see and check my eyes for problems, plus prescription medicine another $70 U.S. Without any form of health insurance, I don't have much recourse, other than to try the 'holy water treatment' that I speak so much about in my articles.

I was beginning to worry sick over my eye situation. The holy water didn't work on the surface of the eyes because it was in fact irritating them. But it worked miraculously to cure my eyes when I put the water on the eye lids, both top and bottom of each eye. I would dab my index finger with holy water and just pass it over the eyelids while I closed them—three to four times a day.

My headaches went away almost immediately, and the eyes felt enormous relief within hours. I haven't had to put any medicine in my eyes, since the holy water took care of my eyes and that was over a week ago.

Follow my other posts and please go to Ezine Articles on this blog, and link-up with some interesting articles on prayer and holy water that may be of tremendous help to you.

If you should have any questions on the use of holy water, please send me a note on my email, and I shall answer your questions. You are also welcome to share this information with family and friends.

Tony McCleary